I just couldnt see and he left me all alone…
Was that food?
Was that food? I think Kunal likes food as much as I do. Wherever it is, we would be there.
The Sunny Sunday
Today was an exceptional Sunny day, so Kunal and I went for a walk around the area. We went all the way to the park […]
Stupid Music
I was trying to sleep in the late hours of the night and Kunal kept playing loud stupid music – this one song woke me […]
I had a Mc Chicken!
Today I had a Mc Chicken! – I did not really know what I am eating, but I have a feeling its something bad – […]
Raani my friend
Have you met Raani? She is my best friend.
There was water everywhere
I went to the beach again this time, I thought we would walk a bit, play catch etc – but there was a high tide […]
Chillin with my homies
So I know these guys pretty well, the guys like me, although all they do is eat and shit hmm